Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Presentaion Skills

Presentation Skills Overview

A presentation is needed during business meetings, product launchings, job interviews, trainings, as well as in selling products and services. Working professionals will generally be asked to give a presentation in the presence of one or more people. Individuals who are not good at doing presentations should work doubly hard to improve their skills.
Giving a presentation is an opportunity to shine but for those who are always nervous, fidgety, and have difficulty expressing their thoughts and ideas, it can also become a barrier to career growth.  Our Presentation Skills Training focuses on the key aspects that make up an effective presentation. This training will discuss in detail all the necessary things you need to know in order to deliver an impressive presentation for both big and small audiences.
By the end of this  you will be able to:
  • Know the essential qualities that make up good presentation skills
  • Learn how to overcome your fears and anxiety
  • Learn how to plan well prior to giving a presentation
  • Learn how to use visual aids to enhance your presentation
  • Know the strategies and techniques needed to connect with the audience and make a positive first impression
  • Know how to start and end your presentation properly
Target Audience
People who have just started out on their respective careers can greatly benefit from this training program. This training is also helpful to just about any person who wants to improve their presentation skills for the purpose of being able to hold business presentations effectively.
Working professionals  are required to come up with a presentation during a company or department meeting. If you are a working individual who may be just starting out in your career or who is already at the height of your profession you need to learn the basics of presentation skills and understand its importance.
One of the challenges any working individual will probably encounter in the workplace is to give a presentation. Usually the boss will appoint the employee to conduct a presentation of a particular agenda. In a sales-oriented and marketing company the sales representatives will also have to come up with a periodic presentation of their sales report.
Every presenter aims  to deliver  a memorable presentation  to his  audience something that would create an impact on their lives or on their viewpoints. As  a presenter you are like the captain of the ship who maneuvers the vessel to the point of destination. 
Speaking before a group of people consists of important elements. One of these key constituents is the audience. In a presentation the listeners are one of the very essential components because they act as the judge to your performance. They also play a big role on the achievement of your presentation goals. 
The first-time experiences are always critical in any situation. In the aspect of delivering a speech or a presentation creating an impressive outcome is as equally important as nailing the objectives. If it is your very first time to ever conduct a presentation in your company making a good first impression should be a primary goal.
Have you ever spoken before a group of people or a crowd Everyone must have had their share of it whether it is in school in your company or in any other situation that calls for a presentation or public speaking. Looking back on the first time you ever spoke to an audience the experience must have been unforgettable and dreadful.
In an oral presentation setting objectives is as equally important as attaining them. This should be done at the onset of the preparation stage for your presentation. After choosing a good topic to present or after being provided a topic define first your presentation objectives before going any further with preparing on the other elements.
When we engage in an oral presentation especially if the purpose is to persuade and convince your audience we have to make it a point to impress them from start to finish. One of the important elements that should be considered is the use of words and language in a presentation. 
In an oral presentation the auditory sense of the audience is the fundamental method in getting your message across. However a plain verbal manner of presenting can elicit boredom and slow grasping of ideas. For your audience to understand what you are explaining visuals will reinforce your message.
10.              Presentation Planning
A fundamental element in a successful presentation is preparation. If you are asked to make a presentation give yourself ample time to organize and plan things out so it will be an impressive result. An effective and successful presentation is a product of carefully planned and well-rehearsed preparation.
11.              Presentation Visual Aids
People have various ways and styles in learning. There are good listeners those who do well in retaining information and comprehending ideas based on what they heard. Others prefer to have a visual learning approach meaning they need to picture out or envision what they hear so they can easily comprehend. 
12.              Effective Presentation GUIDE
Many of us dread public speaking or giving a presentation because the mere thought of speaking before a group of people is enough to bring about nervousness. However this kind of experience is one good way of building confidence.
13.              Handling Question and Answer Sessions
The Question and Answer session is part of many presentations. Both the questions and responses are generated by you as the presenter and your audience about the subject given. At certain points in your presentation you ask your audience some questions to check for comprehension of the subject or to elicit ideas from them. 
14.              Handling Unexpected Events During Presentation
We learned that good preparation is a secret ingredient to a successful presentation. But even if you have rehearsed well enough do not expect too much. There may be unguarded moments during your presentation that will paint a flaw in the almost too perfect speech. Yet an effective presenter is ready for any circumstance and possible occurrences.
15.              How to End Your Presentation Gracefully
The conclusion part is one of the significant and important aspects in a presentation other than the introduction. People remember best the last thing they hear and the last thing you say. In closing a speech or a presentation it should be more than simply closing it or telling the audience that it is over.
Importance of Presentation Skills
Working professionals are required to come up with a presentation during a company or department meeting. If you are a working individual who may be just starting out in your career or who is already at the height of your profession, you need to learn the basics of presentation skills and understand its importance. Regardless of your position or designation in your office, you should be ready in anything that may be required of you to do such as making a presentation.
Conducting a Presentation
A presentation is like a department or general company meeting. The difference is that in a meeting, someone is designated to preside and every participant gets to brainstorm and discuss on the given agenda while in a presentation, usually only one person facilitates the entire gathering while the rest become mere audience.
Though, in most cases, the listeners are free to ask questions about the purpose of the presentation or the ideas presented. In a meeting, the objective is to agree upon a deliberated resolution and action plans from among all members. Also, if a question or comment is raised, everyone is free to voice out their opinions and answers to it.
On the other hand, the aim in a presentation is to convince and persuade the audience on a certain proposal or work depending on the purpose of the presentation. So, if questions are raised from the listeners regarding what is being presented, only the facilitator takes efforts in answering them.
During a presentation, the speaker may utilize various materials in presenting the outline. These materials may be in the form of visual aids, a PowerPoint presentation, audio and visual recordings, illustrations, graphs, and other available resources that would help in carrying out the goal of the presentation.
Purpose of a Presentation
In a corporate setting, there are various reasons for doing a presentation. The most common is when your boss assigns you a certain project or task which you need to demonstrate to the department or even the entire organization. Sometimes, a company requires its members to present a monthly, quarterly, or annual business review.
Usually in a sales or marketing company, this kind of presentation discusses a summary report of the total sales of the employees for the given period. Also, some employees who have a certain proposal to the management need to call a gathering or meeting to present the plans.
Even in a hiring process, some organizations require a demo for the qualifying applicants of a specific position. This is an example of a simple presentation. Members of the training department of a company also do a lot of presentation since facilitating training is already a presentation in itself.
From the given reasons and examples, the very purpose of a presentation is to talk the audience into agreeing with its objectives from your very own efforts and skills in conducting it.
What is the Essence of Good Presentation Skills?
Why do professionals need to know the importance of making a good presentation? Basically, it defines your character as a mature professional. Anyone who understands the basics of presentation skills and knows how to put it into proper application is a good indication of a potential company asset. It is not easy to be speaking before a group of professionals. This also explains why presentation skill is important.
A good level of confidence is boosted on the person. Once you acquire even the basics of it, you start to feel more confident and positive. In the long run, you will realize that your work personality will also improve. Moreover, your work colleagues will look up to you as a model. You will not just create an impression in the company; you will also gain the trust of the organization as a whole.
Always remember that conducting a presentation in your organization is not merely an obligation; it is a talent and a skill. You should not just perceive a presentation to be a typical company practice because this characterizes you as a true professional. You carry the skill with you in whatever career path you take and it is one of the skills that will take you one step up the ladder of success in the aspect of your career.

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